The auction platform is your direct access for the sale of free milk to approved free milk buyers. The only requirement is that the buyer must be able to collect at least 4,000 litres of your milk every other day - or a larger amount, for example every 14 days.
The milk is paid for in euro twice a week on the basis the collected quantities and ongoing analyzes entered into the system.

Testing & analysis of all milk so you can always find the milk you need
All M2M dairy producers have professional businesses with high standards and self-monitoring. This ensures healthy animals and high performance.
All milk samples are analysed for:
- Fat
- Protein
- Urea
- Cell counts
- Freezing point
- Bacterial count
As usual, the buyer receives the milk analysis from the laboratory. The buyer will be asked to upload the result of the analysis to the M2M platform within 24 hours of collection.
The sample results are sent to M2M®. We calculate the final price on the basis of on the analysis results from each delivery, and send the final invoicing in euro on behalf of the dairy producer.
The invoice is settled twice a week.
The auction site always shows the latest analysis results of each producer. For new producers, the analytical results are no more than one month old.